Believe me I came to know about this freaky thing before just one month ago, on 10th February in math Olympiad’s website. I swear math Olympiads are the most vibrant events ever I have participated. Though I have passed HSC and can’t participate now in Olympiad I try to stay updated with their website and forums. By the by I heard about first Speed Cubing competition was going to hold on 12th February before prize giving of olympiad and that was open for all! I became interested and googled about Rubik’s cube, I got some images and quit searching thinking “Oh!, so this is it!”
Next day, I went to enjoy in math Olympiad’s programs after the exam and bought a cube. In the evening I returned home and my brother scrambled it, and then I tried…no actually I started to try to solve that cube. After a couple of hour I could discern that, “Rubik’s cube can’t be solved in a day!”
A huge number of people think that ‘Rubik’s Cube’ is the toughest puzzle ever in the world. I can’t reject that, I was also preparing myself to establish faith on this harebrained philosophy after last night’s disheartened battle with my very first cube.
At morning I started for the venue, I also took my cube and still hopeful to participate the contest and I was in fancy thoughts like, may be the contest could be take place for quite a few hours and in the meantime I could do something with random moves and my ESP, may be most of them could be novice like me cause, nobody heard about it before [What a fool I was!!!].
When I entered in the premise of ST. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School I saw lot of children, teens and grown up guys were playing with their cube, discussing about various methods and algorithms and many more. That scene was a strong catalyst against my fake veil of fear that was trying to make me believe that Rubik’s cube is really tough! I must say this scene also refrained me to participate in the contest.
On the time the contest started and ended within 15 to 20 mins and we got the champion, he solved the cube in 57 seconds! He was a student from Rajshahi Medical College.
I returned home jumped onto the web learned nothing but something about the cube, collected lot of algorithms and applied without being eager for a positive result. After millions of hit and miss and futile projection of algorithm I learned how to solve the first two layers of Rubik’s cube at 14th feb, without any algorithm.
Still now, I solve the first two layers without applying any algorithm.
In my earlier posts, I have told everything about my experiences with Rubik’s cube. I really left a little for today. A Rubik’s cube has 6 faces, every face has 9 cubies and you can permute the cube approximately forty-three quintillion ways. That means when you picks up a Rubik’s cube, you just picks forty-three quintillion possibilities, isn’t it mind blowing?
Every human learns to walk before he/she learns how to drive a car. We can apply the similar policy on a Rubik’s cube. First you should learn at list 2 layers solution without any method or algorithm. Because, algorithms are like vehicles that helps you to approach your destination faster or those could show you just shortcuts, not the way!
“Life is a Rubik’s Cube”, I didn’t gave this title thinking so much about it. It’s just a feeling engulfed my mind for these days I’m passing slothfully. I can solve a 3×3×3 Rubik’s cube, can I ever solve the eternal cube or puzzle, for what almighty God has send me in this universe?
Next day, I went to enjoy in math Olympiad’s programs after the exam and bought a cube. In the evening I returned home and my brother scrambled it, and then I tried…no actually I started to try to solve that cube. After a couple of hour I could discern that, “Rubik’s cube can’t be solved in a day!”
A huge number of people think that ‘Rubik’s Cube’ is the toughest puzzle ever in the world. I can’t reject that, I was also preparing myself to establish faith on this harebrained philosophy after last night’s disheartened battle with my very first cube.
At morning I started for the venue, I also took my cube and still hopeful to participate the contest and I was in fancy thoughts like, may be the contest could be take place for quite a few hours and in the meantime I could do something with random moves and my ESP, may be most of them could be novice like me cause, nobody heard about it before [What a fool I was!!!].
When I entered in the premise of ST. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School I saw lot of children, teens and grown up guys were playing with their cube, discussing about various methods and algorithms and many more. That scene was a strong catalyst against my fake veil of fear that was trying to make me believe that Rubik’s cube is really tough! I must say this scene also refrained me to participate in the contest.
On the time the contest started and ended within 15 to 20 mins and we got the champion, he solved the cube in 57 seconds! He was a student from Rajshahi Medical College.
I returned home jumped onto the web learned nothing but something about the cube, collected lot of algorithms and applied without being eager for a positive result. After millions of hit and miss and futile projection of algorithm I learned how to solve the first two layers of Rubik’s cube at 14th feb, without any algorithm.
Still now, I solve the first two layers without applying any algorithm.
In my earlier posts, I have told everything about my experiences with Rubik’s cube. I really left a little for today. A Rubik’s cube has 6 faces, every face has 9 cubies and you can permute the cube approximately forty-three quintillion ways. That means when you picks up a Rubik’s cube, you just picks forty-three quintillion possibilities, isn’t it mind blowing?
Every human learns to walk before he/she learns how to drive a car. We can apply the similar policy on a Rubik’s cube. First you should learn at list 2 layers solution without any method or algorithm. Because, algorithms are like vehicles that helps you to approach your destination faster or those could show you just shortcuts, not the way!
“Life is a Rubik’s Cube”, I didn’t gave this title thinking so much about it. It’s just a feeling engulfed my mind for these days I’m passing slothfully. I can solve a 3×3×3 Rubik’s cube, can I ever solve the eternal cube or puzzle, for what almighty God has send me in this universe?
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